Our next few set of scenes finds Bert face to fist with shady pawn shop owner Little D, whom is done wrong by Bert earlier in the film. Little D (Patrick Hume) is looking to reclaim a possession from Bert, quite the opposite per Little D's usual activities. Patrick's mane flies wild as Brian's face lights up like a Jack-o-lantern.
On set tonight, Josh's old friend Tanya Sakolsky stops by to say hello and take some photos. The pics provided in today's blog are courtesy of her. Tanya was the editor on Josh's thesis film "A Lesson in Livelihood". You can check out more of her work over on her website http://www.tanyasakolskyart.com/.
The shooting in Exam Room 4 provides for tricky filming angles as the room is beyond small. But the demure size of the room only adds to the comedy of the situations which take place within.
Mark Irvingsen joins us again tonight as Dr. Bronson. He and Suzie have quite a funny exchange.
The other scenes filmed tonight include an over the top incredibly bad ass slow-mo showdown. Further details can't be divulged at this time as to not give away the ending. Josh said he always imagined the scene being accompanied musically by Pantera's "Cowboys from Hell". And looking at our "heroes" strut down the hall in slow motion, that title fits like rubber glove.
Actually most of this evening's scenes involve incredibly complicated dolly moves and shots for the ending of the film. These take time and a lot of skill to pull off, but the team knows it will be totally worth it on screen.
The evening runs long into early morning and the cast and crew are exhausted come wrap time at nearly 8:00am. They barely pull off the last remaining shots of the night before needing to get out of the medical center. It truly was a race against the clock for today's shoot.
-- J.C. Williams (on set writer)
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